Throw in some Tudors and you've got a curious audience. But curiosity and caring are two different things.
The real author, a nobleman, Edward, the Earl of Oxford, (played by both Rhys Ifans, perhaps best known for playing Xenophilius Lovegood in Harry Potter/ and Jamie Campbell Bower, Caius of the Volturi in Twilight, and Young Grindewald in Harry Potter,) didn't want to take credit for his plays because of, you know, disgracfulness, (for who but some goofy actor named Will would want to take credit for those plays?) Things got political, things got sexy, and Boon got bored.
The real author, a nobleman, Edward, the Earl of Oxford, (played by both Rhys Ifans, perhaps best known for playing Xenophilius Lovegood in Harry Potter/ and Jamie Campbell Bower, Caius of the Volturi in Twilight, and Young Grindewald in Harry Potter,) didn't want to take credit for his plays because of, you know, disgracfulness, (for who but some goofy actor named Will would want to take credit for those plays?) Things got political, things got sexy, and Boon got bored.
I enjoyed some parts, and some lines. "All artists have something to say, or else they would make shoes." Sorry, fashion designers.
And parts of the movie, big parts, were portrayed as if the movie were Shrek or Cool Runnings: slow clapping? Crowd surfing? Really?
Queen Elizabeth was portrayed as a jealous slave of emotions, and the author of Shakespeare plays was portrayed as the worst kind of artist, the kind that non-geniuses can get their minds around, the kind that's driven crazy by their work. "The voices!" he shouts. Oh brother.
Then it gets worse, and incest gets involved. Of course, we can't bring up the Tudors without bringing up incest... at least not lately, not in movies.
And sometimes I watch movies and I wonder how the screenwriters, directors, actors and grips got through production. They must have taken napping breaks; they couldn't possibly not have fallen asleep constantly. I only made it through by blogging during it while playing Facebook games.
What's amazing is that we'll watch this movie, but we won't watch Henry V. Go watch Henry V, it stars Harry Potter actors too.
What's amazing is that we'll watch this movie, but we won't watch Henry V. Go watch Henry V, it stars Harry Potter actors too.
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